Monday, 8 January 2018

From Cradle To Bench

Growth from No-one to Someone☺☺

The Periphery was short until Realisation:

We always have this misconception that heroes are decided in the cradle itself.But is that really the case in Real life??
The question may have set you back and made you recapulate your entire journey in a flash.You were this kid that had no worries or headache of what the world is up to.To you the world was a playground and you a kid who wants to play the whole day and night .

Realisation hit Hard:

You were playing in your accompany and then is the time when you have to sit for your exams.Hit hard right??At one moment you were playing well with your life and now at the next moment you are struck to prove yourself over a sheet of paper.You will be judged .You will be remarked.You will be brought under various criterion you yourself are unaware of.

Now it seems preety normal;

Time fleets by and now you are used to,just as you were used to were used to playing careless of the world.Normal is the word we use when we are used to or have given way to the norms or the way of living.The stereotypes have led us here.It is a quicksand Hard to escape but not impossible.